Being a teenager is hard: On the one hand, they’re held to a high standard of responsibility and encouraged to make good choices. On the other hand, they’re still treated like children and sometimes have few choices available to them. The tug of war between your teen’s desire for autonomy and their need of extra support can create a lot of friction. Inevitably, being a parent of a teenager is also hard! At Lakewood Family Therapy, we take special care to support parents in helping their children achieve health, safety, and happiness.
Teen therapy
Adolescents are not just small adults. Because their brains are still developing, they require a secure environment in which they can develop their identity and thrive. Sometimes circumstances, both in the home and outside it, make it difficult for this to happen. Your child may exhibit symptoms of anxiety and depression. They may struggle in school or with making friends. They may engage in risky behaviors, disrespect, and rule-breaking. All of these are developmentally normal expressions of inner struggles. Teens require a different approach to therapy. We create an atmosphere that is most suitable to your teen’s needs and employ a mixture of therapeutic approaches, sometimes involving parents and family, and sometimes working one-on-one. We are committed to providing your child the individual care and attention they need.
We realize that as parents, it can be truly scary to not know how to best help your child. We believe in teaming up with parents to create the most helpful treatment for your unique situation. You are the expert on your child. It is our honor to help you navigate the ups and downs to establish a strong relationship with them.
Note: Lakewood Family Therapy provides outpatient treatment only. In some cases, day programs or residential treatment may be appropriate, and cases may be referred to other qualified providers in the area. We are invested in making sure you find the help you need for your family to heal.