Sex addiction vs. compulsion
Sexual behaviors, even healthy ones, bring with them a lot of shame and stigma that can make it difficult to reach out for help when you need it. At Lakewood Family Therapy, we are committed to offering a safe, non-judgmental space where individuals and couples can honestly discuss their feelings and find healing. Sex addiction can look like:
- Risky sexual behaviors
- Compulsive sexual behaviors
- Infidelity
- Out-of-control pornography use
While researchers sometimes disagree about the construct and definition of sex addiction, the effects of compulsive sexual behaviors are real. Sexual thoughts, urges, and behaviors can disrupt your ability to function and engage in healthy relationships. Sex addiction can lead to feelings of isolation, humiliation, guilt, fear, and hopelessness. To be clear, sex addiction is not a hopeless problem. We can help you change.
What is betrayal trauma?
A couple’s relationship is one of the closest, most intimate relationships we experience in life. When our deepest trust is violated, it can be a traumatic experience. Partners of those who struggle with sex addiction or compulsive sexual behavior are deeply affected, experiencing similar feelings of isolation, humiliation and hoplessness. Along with that, it is normal for betrayed partners to experience grief, as well as symptoms of PTSD. Visit our pages on anxiety, depression, and trauma to learn about the types of therapy we may use to help you. You don’t have to bear this alone.
Compulsive sexual behavior treatment
We believe that sex addiction or compulsive sexual behavior is not a character flaw. Rather, it is typically a symptom of underlying pain. We meet you where you are to help you unpack your struggles and utilize healthier coping techniques to manage them. Individual therapy can be helpful for both sex addiction and betrayal trauma to get to the bottom of things and create healing that lasts. Couple therapy can be especially helpful for working through the challenges that sex addiction brings to both individuals and their relationship, rebuilding trust. When appropriate, we can also work with family members to help them cope with the pain they may experience due to betrayal or the outward consequences of acting out. While compulsive sexual behavior, pornography, and infidelity so often drive loved ones apart, we are committed to helping you come together with restored hope, connection, and self-worth.