You Have To Get Yourself Some Oxygen First

Flight attendants have this figured out. That’s why when you are flying with a small child you are instructed to put the oxygen mask on yourself first if there is an emergency, then put a mask on your child. You see, if you don’t get some oxygen first, you may not be conscious to take care of your child. Contrary to the popular belief that you must constantly be self-sacrificing to be a good parent, taking care of yourself is also extremely important. If you are not getting enough self care, you won’t be a very patient or effective parent.
News Flash: You are the one who has the responsibility to make sure your battery is charged.When was the last time one of your children said to you, “Hey mom, you look tired. You should go take a break while we clean this place up?” It actually isn’t the responsibility of your children to make sure you are OK. That is your job. That’s why it’s called self care.
Try to schedule some self care in to your busy life this week. You may have to ask for help to accomplish this. THAT IS OK! Take a walk or a relaxing bath. Take a nap. Go out with your spouse or with a friend. Spend some time on a favorite hobby. What sounds wonderful to you? Do it and breath deep! Oxygen is amazing.
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