Our rates range from $125 to $160 per session, depending on which therapist you see.
Holly Pack Squires and Gwen Adams can accept Select Health, PEHP, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and EMI insurance plans.
Our other therapists are not “in network” with any insurance companies, and do not bill insurance. We can, however, provide you with a monthly statement that you can submit to your insurance company to apply for out-of-network benefits. It is your responsibility to contact your insurance provider to make sure your treatment will be covered.
When you schedule your first appointment, we will set up a secure login to our client portal for you. When you log in for the first time, you will be instructed to enter a credit card number in the secure Stripe system. This card remains on file with Stripe. We bill the card through Stripe after each session. Stripe will accept most major credit cards, FSA and HSA cards.
Cancellation Policy
As long as you cancel 24 hours in advance (by Friday for Monday appointments), there will be no cancellation fee charged. You can cancel online through the secure client portal, by phone, or by emailing your therapist directly. If you cancel your appointment late or don’t show up for your appointment, the full session rate will be charged to your card. In the case of illness or an emergency, please contact your therapist.
Any Other Questions
Please contact us for any additional questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!